America has more opportunities and avenues for free speech and political action than anywhere else in the world, despite all our problems and injustice. Let us, therefore, use these freedoms and not resort to violence. And let our civil government protect these freedoms, enshrined in the First Amendment.
If you think destroying other people’s property and threatening their livelihoods is right, then you are bewitched by a debauched utilitarian ethics: The end justified the means. You are not respecting the dignity of individuals (made in God’s image) or their property. If you want to be respected, then show respect. It is the Golden Rule of Jesus, the greatest nonviolent and constructive revolutionary of all time. If you worship him, love your neighbor, even your enemy.
You have a voice, so don’t use a fist. Speak, even yell, but don’t hit or throw. Make a sign and show it. Don’t make a bomb and throw it. You have a vote, so don’t use a torch. You can protest, but do not destroy. Be angry, but in your anger, do not sin. Govern yourself as you seek to reform our civil government.
Street brutality is no answer to police brutality, which is real and must be addressed.
Pray and work. Work and pray. Pray while you work. Work while you pray.
May God bring justice and peace.