Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
A Moral Argument Against Darwinism
A recently recovered Screwtape Letter
Thoughts on the Second Edition of Christian Apologetics
Apologetics After the Two Deaths of Ravi Zacharias
Jesus for Agnostics
Jesus for Muslims
Detecting False Dichotomies that Hinder the Mission of the Church
Advice to Christian Apologists: Being Wise as Serpents and Innocent as Doves
A Christian Apologetics Manifesto (19 Ways to Ignite Apologetic Passion)
Easter Life and the Facts of History
Obituary for James Sire (1933-2018)
Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?
Two Views of Suffering: Atheist Existentialism and Christianity
Is Religion Dangerous?
How Jazz Can Shape Apologetics
Undermining Truth in God’s Name
Principles for Engaging People on the Truth of Christianity
The Apologetics of Plato
A Critique of Pascal’s Wager: Argument Against Natural Theology by Douglas Groothuis